So I've found myself almost non-stop humming/whistling the Harry Potter theme this past week. I'm just SO EXCITED, and have also spent many a night watching the movies in an attempt to re-watch them all before Saturday. So that's probably contributed to my default humming song switching from Single Ladies or Friday, to the HP theme (just for clarification, I don't choose them, they choose me...otherwise Rebecca Black would not be in the mix).
Though we're not going to a midnight showing tonight, tomorrow several of our HP-obsessed friends will be joining us for a HP sleepover at my house, and then we're all going to a morning showing on Saturday! I, of course, couldn't pass up the opportunity to make a Harry Potter-inspired cake. I don't want to say too much, but I will tell you there's ice cream involved. And decorations. And, oh fine, twist my arm--here's a sneak preview:
Also magical, but not Harry Potter-related: last Saturday I received these cute "Yumbots" from pals Bethany and Molly as a birthday gift! Baking + Robots = one giddy me! This is definitely not the last you'll be seeing of these li'l guys :)
update: the cake was delicious AND magical!